
Together We Are Strong

Socialist Yugoslavia was seen in every respect as a new beginning. The Communists learned from their experience in the War that the different Yugoslav nationalities could only meet aggression from without through joint action and only realize their right of self-determination in unity. At the same time, the struggle of the people's army of liberation also served to legitimize the Communist rule in the "second" Yugoslavia. According to this, the people's army of liberation fought against Fascism with resolution and great sacrifice and with no help from outside.
The most important figure in this struggle was Tito, who had organized and united the various Resistance groups and had already freed himself of the Soviet Union by 1943. The remembrance and commemoration of the joint struggle repressed, as long as Tito was alive, the memory of the internal conflicts in Yugoslavia.
The remembrance of the Second World War in Yugoslavia was marked largely by the cult of Tito. The cult produced monuments and memorials, but also masses of little devotional articles which symbolically brought Tito into everyone's home. A Tito portrait was also considered a representative gift. The brass relief mounted on a wooden plaque probably served as an official present for members of the Yugoslavian People's Army, as is indicated by the five-pointed star with the inscription "JNA" (Yugoslav National Army) on the cover of the case.
Tito was not only the symbol of revolutionary Yugoslavia, but also that of the post-revolutionary country. He was revolutionary and statesman in one. He served as an icon for more than four decades. The mass medium of the phonograph record also contributed to his lasting popularization. The cover of the album "Pesme o Titu" (Songs about Tito) showed the hero of all heroes in the uniform of the Marshal surrounded by his pioneers.
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