[Elective Affinity]
[National Identity]
[Salon Life]
[Technology Transfer]
[Art Academies]
[Richard Wagner]
[Arts and Crafts]
[Emperor and Tourism]
[Cultural Exchange]
[Nansen and Hedin]
[Life Reform Movement]
[Carl and Karin Larsson]
['Nordic Rebirth']
[First World War]
[Shattered Dreams]
  Workers of the World, Unite!  
  The social history of Scandinavia was marked by mass emigration to America and relatively late arrival of industrialisation. The degree of social tension, as a result, was lower than in other countries.

Journeymen travelling through Europe brought the socialist ideals with them to Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia, mainly from Germany. Marxism itself had little influence on the practice of everyday politics.

The politics of Scandinavia’s socialist parties was defined above all by craftsmen and upper-class intellectuals, among them Sweden’s first social democratic cabinet minister and head of government, Hjalmar Branting. He maintained close relations to the moderate wing of the German social democrats and referred to his socialist education as being German.

 ['Proletarier aller Länder...']

['Proletärer i alla land...']

[Hjalmar Branting]
