Logo Exhibition - Reinhold Begas - Monuments for the German Empire
DHM - Duration of the exhibition
Poster - Reinhold Begas - Monuments for the German Empire

Events linked to the exhibition


Lectures | Film programme | E xhibition at the Georg-Kolbe-Museum



Lectures with tours, Zeuhgauskino
Wednesdays 6 pm, admission free
(In German)


1 December 2010
Begas - Monumente für das Kaiserreich
Prof. Dr. Hans Ottomeyer, Präsident DHM, Dr. Esther Sünderhauf, Exhibitionskuratorin DHM
Kuratorenführung in der Exhibition


15 December 2010
Bildersturm und Bildnissturm. Zerstörungsstrategien in der Porträt- und Denkmalskunst
Prof. Dr. Uwe Fleckner, Universität Hamburg
Vortrag im Auditorium mit Führung in der Exhibition


19 January 2011
Beobachtungen an der Marmorhaut
Aurelia Badde M. A., Restauratorin
Vortrag im Auditorium mit Führung in der Exhibition


9 February 2011
Der Mythos des Reichs. Macht und Herrlichkeit des Deutschen Kaiserreichs
Prof. Herfried Münkler, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Vortrag im Auditorium mit Führung in der Exhibition
23 February 2011
Begas - Monumente für das Kaiserreich
Prof. Dr. Hans Ottomeyer, Präsident DHM, Dr. Esther Sünderhauf, Exhibitionskuratorin DHM
Kuratorenführung in der Exhibition



Films in the Zeughauskino


Berlin in the Imperial Era


On the occasion of the exhibition “Begas – Monuments for the German Empire” the Zeughauskino is presenting Berlin films from and about the time of Kaiser Wilhelm II from 28 January to 3 February 2011. The German-language series BERLIN IN DER KAISERZEIT (Berlin in the Imperial Era) brings together recent documentary films that combine film and photo material to present a portrait of Wilhelm II and a picture of Berlin before the First World War. In addition, short film programmes will show rare original footage from this epoch.


The schedule of films can be found in the programme leaflet of the Zeughauskino and online under www.zeughauskino.de.


Exhibition at the Georg-Kolbe-Museum


Reinhold Begas – Vom Atelier in die Stadt – Photographien
28 November 2010 – 16 January 2011


Parallel to the exhibition in the German Historical Museum the Georg-Kolbe-Museum is showing photographs dealing with the reception of Begas’ works and personality. The artist himself had used this new media for his work. While his early works were reproduced in engravings or lithographs, he employed photography for his late work. Besides numerous studio photos the exhibition is showing above all shots of his outdoor works in Berlin. At the time people often had their picture taken in front of the monumental figures of the memorials. Photos of the Neptune Fountain have been favourites in Berlin photo albums for more than 100 years.


Opening hours: Tue – Sun 10 am to 6 pm


Sensburger Allee 25
14055 Berlin


Link: Exhibition - Reinhold Begas – Vom Atelier in die Stadt – Photographien


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