Blog parade: What does Democracy mean to me? #DHMDemokratie
30 April 2019
Amidst the current upheaval represented by the global upsurge in anti-democratic movements, the threat of Brexit, and the approaching European Parliament election, the Deutsches Historisches Museum—as part of its 2019 theme on democracy—takes a look at the challenges for democracy past and present. The blog parade ‘What Does Democracy Mean to Me?’, running from 30 April to 28 May 2019, broadens our focus on democracy to include the Internet. We invite you to make use of the hashtag #DHMDemokratie to disclose your completely personal relationship to democracy. After all, democracy concerns every single one of us!
Democracy Theme 2019
From April to September 2019, the Deutsches Historisches Museum is dedicating our program to democracy. How has it challenged society in the past—and how does it do so in the present? We analyse these questions from various local perspectives:
1. The exhibition Weimar: On the Nature and Value of Democracy (4 April–22 September 2019):
We use the historical example of the Weimar Republic to pose the question: what is democracy? The exhibition sheds light on key challenges in politics and society at that time, with reference to current debates and crises surrounding democracy.
2. The Participatory Democracy Lab (4 April–4 August 2019)
The Democracy Lab aims to raise awareness that democracy thrives on participation and engagement from all citizens. This form of government is shaped by an ongoing process of negotiation between different opinions and standpoints.
3. Events: Dialogues, Salons, and Debates
In these public programs, we address key questions about democracy. Experts will discuss various topics within the format of discussions and salons. These are the questions and topics we intend to bring online through our blog parade.
Blog Parade #DHMDemokratie
And this is where you come in! We want to know:
What significance does democracy have for you personally? We’ll use your thoughts, with your consent, as points for discussion in our Democracy Lab. We want to link up the analogue with the digital. Tell us your story; we’re listening.
Themes for the #DHMDemokratie Blog Parade
The hashtag #DHMDemokratie can be used to cover all aspects of democracy, its significance, and its historical achievements in the last 100 years, from 1919 until today. We want to work together with you to further this conversation.
We’re excited to hear your thoughts on democracy—a challenging and important issue. You can interpret the topic as broadly or narrowly as you’d like. We offer the questions below as a way to get the ball rolling. You’re welcome to answer your own questions related to the theme. So join the conversation—we look forward to hearing your thoughts!
• What is the current state of democracy? What challenges does it face?
• Value of democracy—how is democracy valued, both in Germany and internationally? Have you had experiences while travelling that shed light on this question? Is democracy under threat by a rise in anti-democratic practices, or is everything in your opinion just fine as it is? What do you think about the role of populist statements in the election campaign?
• Democracy and education—how important is it for us and for our children? When it comes to democracy, how far should education go and what form should it take?
• Democracy and the future of Europe—where is Europe headed, and what kind of Europe do you wish for in the future? What do you think about Brexit?
• Democracy then and now—how has it evolved, in your eyes, to become what it is today? Are the achievements of the Weimar Republic (for example, the establishment of the welfare state or the struggle for an open approach to sexuality) still palpable? What do you think of universal basic income and marriage equality?
• Democracy for equal rights and equal opportunities—given a century of women’s suffrage, what is left to do? What do you think of a quota based on gender? Also welcome are thoughts on education, inclusion, and housing for all.
• Democracy and freedom of expression—what does it mean to you? What role do social media play in the formation of opinions, and how do you view this as a blogger? What endangers or supports democracy online?
Who can participate in our blog parade?
Everyone. We invite bloggers of all stripes to the blog parade! Our hope is to gather diverse perspectives and a lively exchange with each other on the subject of ‘democracy’. You are welcome to apply this to your own personal experience, or explore its relevance for politics and society. Let your imagination run wild!
We’d like to extend a special invitation to our colleagues from other cultural institutions! What significance does democracy have for your collections, your projects, and/or your research? Tell us the stories behind your work.
Participating without a blog? Yes, you can!
Even without a blog, you can join in with the #DHMDemokratie project. Leave your contribution as a comment or send it to us as a guest contribution. We’ll publish it on our blog. Send your guest posts to blog@dhm.de. We’re looking forward to your contributions!
Outline of the #DHMDemokratie Blog Parade• Duration of the blog parade: 30.04 through 28.05.2019 You can find tips for successful participation in: ‘10 tips for successfully taking part in a blog parade’ (in German). And as a little bonus … All those who contribute blog posts will receive free admission to our exhibition Weimar: On the Nature and Value of Democracy, and to our Democracy Lab, with a guide (advance registration at blog@dhm.de required), as well as the first issue of our magazine Historische Urteilskraft! So taking part is worth it! Effective beginning now: Join in and write for #DHMDemokratie—we want to hear your voice! The blog parade is a cooperation with Dr. Tanja Praske of KULTUR-MUSEUM-TALK. * Please note that submissions sent in and posted over the weekend may not be linked to the DHM blog until the following Monday due to technical constraints. Blog Parade Netiquette: 1. Express your opinion politely, What is a blog parade? A blog parade is a temporary blog action. A blogger provides a topic in a blog post, in response to which other bloggers and interested people can write a post of their own. They link their contributions with the initiating blog’s invitation. The initiator collects, links, and advertises the submissions across the social web. |
We reserve the right to not include blog postings. The blog parade serves to exchange views on the state of democracy, including a personal access. It does not serve as a platform for propaganda. We ask you to take that into account.
The views of the submitted and shared articles of the blog parade #DHMDemokratie do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Deutsches Historisches Museum.
Updates—Posts in the Blog Parade
Here is where you can find your contributions to the blog parade #DHMDemokratie. Join in, write, read along, and engage in conversation with the participants. Democracy concerns every single one of us!
61. Räte München: WAS ist Demokratie? // @raeteplenum (30 May 2019)
60. Jaellekatz: Alles demokratisch, oder was? // @Jaellekatz (30 May 2019)
59. Andreas Ziepa: Systemwechsel? Nein Danke! // @ziepa (28 May 2019)
58. Astrids Social Media Tagebuch: Artikel 5 lebt! // @A_Christofori (28 May 2019)
57. Hehocra: Bist Du mutig, die Verantwortung zu übernehmen? – Über Demokratie, Kunst und meine ostdeutsche Herkunft // @hehocra (28 May 2019)
56. Ich lebe! Jetzt!: Das Internet geht nicht weg! // @IchlebeJetzt1 (28 May 2019)
55: SGD Zu Tisch: #DHMDemokratie: Das Hambacher Schloss als Wiege der Demokratie // @schlossgenuss (28 May 2019)
54. Traumspruch: Demokratie // @traumspruch (28 May 2019)
53. Lisa Begeisterung: #DHMDemokratie und Frauenwahlrecht // @Begeisterung_Li (28 May 2019)
52. Siwiarchiv.de: Was bedeutet Demokratie für Archive? // @siwiarchiv (28 May 2019)
51. Informationsgesellschaft: Was bedeutet uns die Demokratie? // @ig_onsocial (28 May 2019)
50. Leggiero flautato: Was bedeutet mir Demokratie und braucht es dafür Haltestellen? // @sufloese (28 May 2019)
49. Blog des Historischen Museums Frankfurt: Was bedeutet mir die Demokratie? // @histmus (28 May 2019)
48. Demokratiegeschichten: Gott im Grundgesetz #DHM Demokratie // @gegenvergessen (28 May 2019)
47. Saxorum: “Ernstfall Ost”? Gelegentliche Literaturhinweise zu Stand und Geschichte der Demokratie in Sachsen // @saxorum (28 May 2019)
46. Anke von Heyl: Demokratische Kunstvermittlung im Museum // @kulturtussi (27 May 2019)
45. Stiftung Haus der Geschichte: Unterwegs auf dem #WegDerDemokratie // @hdg_museen (27 May 2019)
44. Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg: Demokratie! Demokratie? Deutschland und Europa 2019. Von der Novemberrevolution 1918/19 zu den Fridays for future-Demos // @histmuseenhh (27 May 2019)
43. Hop2: Demokratie und was sie mir bedeutet (26 May 2019)
42. Verena Carl: Gewaltig, ey: Rezo und die Demokratie // @VerenaCarl (26 May 2019)
41. Raul Krauthausen: Demoability – Wir brauchen mehr Zugänge zur Politik // @raulde (25 May 2019)
40. FreeYourFamily: Demokratie bewusst leben und denken (24 May 2019)
39. Tour de Kultur: Demokratie braucht Menschen – #DHMDemokratie // @AnjaKikaHist (24 May 2019)
38. Die Pinakotheken: Aufstand im Schlaraffenland? #DHMDemokratie // @pinakotheken (24 May 2019)
37. Anke von Heyl: “Es geht uns alle an”. Interview mit Anke M. Leitzgen über das Projekt Denkmal Europa // @kulturtussi (24 May 2019)
36. Christian Buggischs Blog: Demokratie-Lethargie // @Chris_Buggisch (24 May 2019)
35. Cuncti: Konkordanz: ein Weg zu Diversität und Massendemokratie – #DHMDemokratie // @CunctiJournal (23 May 2019)
34. Dr. Simone Erpel: Bestechend modern und bis heute aktuell – die Arbeitslosenversicherung der Weimarer Republik (23 May 2019)
33. Demokratiegeschichten: Mit Orgel und Volkslied zum Grundgesetz // @gegenvergessen (23 May 2019)
32. Anne Mühlich und Gerd Müller: Coding da Vinci Süd – Memes zu „Wie geht’s dir, Europa?“ // @AnkaTrabantka @gerdesque (23 May 2019)
31. Mikel Bower: Die arroganten 70 Jahre // @mikelbower (22 May 2019)
30. livelifegreen: Europawahl 2019: So wählt ihr den Klimaschutz // @livelifegreen_m (21 May 2019)
29. Andrea Hahn: Ein Besuch bei Theodor Heuss // @hahn_text_pr (21 May 2019)
28. Damian Mallepree, Goethe-Museum Düsseldorf: „Sich selbst regieren können“ – Goethe im Interview // @goethemuseum (21 May 2019)
27. Stephan Unter: Von der Herausforderung der Vision – eine demokratische Überlegung // @s_unter (21 May 2019)
26. Man Tau: Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Kontrolleure (#DHMDemokratie) (20 May 2019)
25. Ralf Grabuschnig: Der Fall Iran: Warum am Ende der Geschichte nicht immer die Demokratie steht // @RalfGrabusnik (20 May 2019)
24. Marta Blog: Demokratie ist, wenn ich entscheide! // @martamuseum (17 May 2019)
23. Die Kulturflüsterin:#Interview mit Nils Strunk // @kulturfluesterin (16 May 2019)
22. Demokratiegeschichten: Elisabeth Selbert und der Kampf für die Gleichberechtigung // @gegenvergessen (16 May 2019)
21. Geschichte & Geschichten. Blog des Museums Burg Posterstein: Je kleiner die Einheit ist, desto direkter kann Demokratie sein – Unser Beitrag zur Blogparade #DHMDemokratie / #rainbowMW // @burgposterstein (16 May 2019)
Zusammenfassung der ersten 20 Beiträge: Was ist Demokratie für dich? Blogparade des Deutschen Historischen Museums | #DHMDemokratie // @TanjaPraske (16 May 2019)
20. Hilgerlicious: Europawahl am 26. Mai: dieses Mal wirklich wählen gehen!!! // @katrinhilger (13 May 2019)
19. Histowerkstatt: Blogparade #DHMDemokratie // @histowerkstatt (13 May 2019)
18. Oliveira Online: Demokratie – Nicht ohne Inklusion (12 May 2019)
17. Teresa Ohne H: Demokratisierung von Denkmälern durch Graffiti-Künstler? // @Teresa_ohne_h (12 May 2019)
16. Le Monde de Kitchi: So nicht (#DHMDemokratie) // @MondeKitchi (10 May 2019)
15. Verrücktes Huhn: Die Qual der Wahl: Wie soll unsere Zukunft aussehen? // @V_Huhn (10 May 2019)
14. Zeilenabstand: Demokratie in der Krise? // @zeilenabstandN (10 May 2019)
13. Sabine Pint: Nicht „die Demokratie“ ist in der Krise, sondern ihre Ausgestaltung (10 May 2019)
12. Museumsdinge: Das (un-)demokratische Museum. Ein umkämpfter Ort (9 May 2019)
11. KulturNatur: Das Leben ist schön // @kultur_natur (9 May 2019)
10. Schlösserblog: Vom Kronprinzen zum Ministerpräsidenten – die Neue Residenz im langen 19. Jahrhundert // @Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung (9 May 2019)
9. Lothars Blog: Was bedeutet mir die Demokratie? #DHMDEMOKRATIE (6 May 2019)
8. Mikel Bower: Ab mit dir Hoheit, es lebe die Demokratie. // @mikelbower (6 May 2019)
7. Karsten Kühnel: Demokratie – wenn das Volk sich beherrscht // @KarstenKuehnel (6 May 2019)
6. Barbara Fischer: Digitaler Wandel: Gesicht zeigen – Haltung einnehmen // @fischerdata (6 May 2019)
5. Mit Kind im Rucksack: Was bedeutet mir die Demokratie? #DHMDemokratie // @Mitkindimrucksack (5 May 2019)
4. Cabinetto: Publikative // @ccabinetto (3 May 2019)
3. Bedeutung Online: Was mir Demokratie bedeutet: Persönliche Freiheiten sind das höchste Gut! // @bedeutungonline (2 May 2019)
2. Waldworte.eu: Dürfen Menschen gegen Menschen sein? Kinder entdecken Demokratie und Zukunftsfragen durch Geschichten (1 May 2019)
1. Davidssplitter: Ist die Demokratie bedroht? // @sarah_leben (1 May 2019)
Tägliches auf drei Beinen: Was ist den Menschen die Demokratie wert? // @Ina66 (7 June 2019)
Cuncti: Härtetest für die Demokratie: Warum Gefühle unsere Gesellschaft gefährden (28 April 2019)
Akif Sahin: 70 Jahre Grundgesetz: Meine Gedanken dazu für die Blogparade #DHMDemokratie – Was bedeutet mir die Demokratie? // @vielfaltmuslim (25 April 2019)