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Introduction: Ralf Forster

Heinz Brinkmann experienced the Peaceful Revolution like many other GDR documentary filmmakers. Until 1989 he was permanently employed by DEFA, after that he was mostly on his own and subject to the laws of the market. Before he had to deal with strict state control and censorship, after the fall of the Wall he was confronted with the guidelines and interventions of clients, often television stations. These conditions impacted Brinkmann's short films of those years, which initially appear thematically on the fringes of what could be shown publicly in the GDR: the destruction of the environment in Die Karbidfabrik or a small private business with a rich history in Selliner Fotograf. In the midst of the upheaval, not atypical for East German film as a whole, follows the encounter with people, the recording of their personal sentiments, for example in Vorwärts und zurück. Then, in Carmen - Haus am Meer, Brinkmann returns to his biography and his love of the Baltic Sea and Usedom. The interlocking of the personal with reflections on big questions like Heimat accompany his further filmmaking, which takes on an experimental tone with Moment musical 92. (rf)

Selliner Fotograf

Die Karbidfabrik

Vorwärts und zurück

Woher – Wohin. Heimatgeschichten (Episode Carmen – Haus am Meer)

Moment musical 92